Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I've returned to the US with a few stops in route. I return with a much calmer heart this time. The world remains in turmoil. Ignorance and avoidance of poverty and suffering have existed long before I was born into this world and both will most likely continue. There are some things you can change, but many more than you are not able to. Yet I am hopeful for the world. I am hopeful because I believe I have come to understand myself in relation to the world.

Each of us has challenges we must face or allow to consume us. We each have the capacity to move forward and learn and love and be happy. These are choices we have; choices that we can control.

Today I am thankful for the person I am. I am thankful for those with whom I share my life and love. Life does not require much of us. It asks only that we move forward and leave our home earth better than we found it. It asks us to be joyful in our lives and joyfully touch the lives of others. Namaste I say to you! I will seek to always discover not only the sacred in you, but the joy.



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